Coachlines - June 2023

28.06.23 Steward Bob Wilson

Inter Livery Croquet

This year’s Inter Livery Croquet Competition, organised by the Worshipful Company of Glovers, was played on 10th June at the Sussex County Croquet Club in Southwick. The Coachmakers were represented by Steward Bob Wilson and his friend Deborah Chamberlain. A total of 18 liveries entered 32 teams and so there was more competition than in previous years.

Bob and Deborah were pleased to win the first game as it was against two low handicap players who normally play on those lawns. Each game lasts for 45 minutes or the first to reach seven hoops. On the first game our team had reached six-all and Deborah was in the process of making her stroke when the bell went, and the ball went through the hoop whilst the bell was ringing! There was a “stewards inquiry” to ascertain if they had won the game or if it was a draw!

Thankfully The Coachmakers won that game. Overall, Bob and Deborah won three games and lost three games, coming ninth overall. An enjoyable day was had by all.