Coachlines - August 2023

28.08.23 The Clerk

Yet another Master Coachmaker falls foul of the law

On 1st September the Master Coachmaker for 2023/24 will be elected and installed after a rigorous selection process and democratically robust election. Spoiler Alert: the odds on favourite to win the race is Bettine Evans, the current Senior Warden.
Once again however, previous misdemeanours are likely to very quickly catch up with the newly installed Master because on Monday 25th September 2023 it has been made known that she must turn herself in at the Old Bailey and submit herself to the wisdom of the judges.

What are her crimes you may ask? To date the charge sheet has not been written but anyone with a long career in the car sales industry, who has owned a string of race horses and whose husband has a large collection of antique firearms will definitely have something to hide.

On that basis alone it is almost, no, it is guaranteed that she will be led from the Old Bailey and incarcerated in the Tower of London for her crimes yet to be imagined. There she will be fed and hosed down every half hour with Pol Roger Champagne until such time as she has posted the requisite bail money.

No-one deserves that and only you can save her by donating towards her bail money, all of which will go to the British Red Cross Society.

Donations can be made directly via this link:
Or you can send a cheque to the Clerk made payable to: The British Red Cross Society

Please help because every day the Master is incarcerated and absent from her place of duty, it is another day in which the Clerk can relax……… and we can’t be having that!