28.08.23 Hon. Assistant Richard Robinson
Nominate your Award to Industry 2024
The Award to Industry is made annually to recognise outstanding contributions to the aerospace or automotive industries in the fields of design, technical development, innovation or commercial significance.
Looking ahead to the Award to Industry Dinner, held on 18th January 2024, Senior Wadden Bettine Evans has requested nominations be gathered from the company at large for review by the Livery Committee. Whilst nominations are open at all qualifying businesses, the Senior Warden would like particular consideration to be given those operating in the hydrogen propulsion sector.
All nominations are required by Friday 15th September 2023, sent by email to Livery Committee Chairman, Richard Robinson.
Please include:
• Recipient name
• Reason for nomination
• Short description as to how it meets the criteria
• Any connection you may have to the business
We look forward to receiving your nominations.