Coachlines - April 2019
15.04.19 Steward Christopher Walkinshaw
Project 350+ – preliminary scoping gets under way
Following the decision at the January Court to establish the 350+ Committee, chairman Steward Christopher Walkinshaw reports on the next steps.
A preliminary meeting has taken place to explore the objectives of the committee in the context of work which has been considered by the Master and Wardens in recent years, as well as the Way Forward Group.
The Coachmakers enjoys a relatively unique position among livery companies in still being closely connected to our original purpose of coachmaking. We also have well-established links to the automotive and aerospace sectors, both of which will be very important features well into the Livery’s future.
With our 350th anniversary approaching, we have an opportunity to try to recognise and put in place actions which, over time, could strengthen our position and our identity. We may indeed have an ambition of being regarded in due course as one of the pre-eminent livery companies, renowned for our active contribution to our associated sectors and attracting a waiting list of high-calibre people who wish to join our Livery.
I am keen to hear from individual Liverymen who have ideas as to what our ambitions should be, especially from those who can describe clearly the Livery that our successors will be inheriting from us. Once we have gathered these ideas, we can then start to consider appropriate steps which will turn us onto that course.
Please feel free to contact me so we can arrange to discuss your views, I can be contacted at