Coachlines - October 2024

31.10.24 Liveryman Michael Malone

Coachmakers launches transformative mentoring programme

The Coachmakers is proud to announce the launch of our formal mentoring scheme. This is a new initiative, in line with our aims to actively invest in young people, to help our award winners and under-35 Freemen grow and develop into their future.

As part of our ongoing commitment to develop the next generation of young Coachmakers, this new mentoring scheme builds on our long history of supporting our award winners and promoting excellence in our associated industries.

As one of 111 Livery Companies in the City of London, we are proud to contribute to the collective impact – supporting more than 40,000 Liverymen – maintaining active links with trades, supporting armed forces units and heritage skills providers, and providing significant educational assistance.

Now you, as Liverymen, have the opportunity to empower our award winners and young Coachmakers and create the future they deserve. Our support meets a growing need, where experience and investment in individuals during their most formative years adds greater value to the connections built through the Coachmakers. We know first-hand the impact that positive, engaged mentoring can have on people of all ages and stages of life.

One of the most practical ways to give talented individuals a step up in their journey is through financial investment, yet to achieve their potential more is needed to help guide these young people to take their investment, use it wisely and make the most of their considerable potential.

As Eric Wallbank, Chairman of the Charity Committee, says: “Every year, we make around 20 awards to students and young engineers in our associated industries of automotive, aerospace and coachmaking. Increasingly, a number of these award winners are joining the Company’s under-35 membership scheme. These young people are the Coachmakers of the future, the lifeblood of the Company.”

Our young professionals face challenges that require the wisdom and guidance of those who have paved the path before them. The new mentoring scheme will bridge that gap, sharing valuable experience and industry knowledge.

The magic of mentoring

We can all look back on our childhood and see the value that came from a figure sacrificing their time and effort to advise and mentor us. Sports coaches, teachers, and civic leaders who pour their passion and hope into young people every day in a deep desire that they will create a better future for everyone. Yet when we make that leap from student to vocational apprentice, and to our working life, we often find challenges remembering and enacting that necessary wisdom and guidance. The value of having a respected friend and colleague to mentor cannot be overstated as we move forward into our working life.

A great example of this within our Livery is the relationship between Steward Neil Sheath and our aerospace award winners. Neil has for many years guided and offered counsel to many of our past winners, a great example of the benefits of mentoring.

Some of those mentees have shared their experiences:

“The mentoring I have received from the Coachmakers has been invaluable, giving me the confidence to push on and know there is support at hand when I need it.”

“Since joining the Coachmakers, I have had informal support from several members of the Livery. They have provided me with some invaluable advice already. Establishing a mentoring relationship through a formal scheme will be excellent for building on that advice and accelerating my professional development.”

“I can say from personal experience that the mentoring and support I’ve received from The Coachmakers has benefited me immeasurably, helping take my career to new heights while developing my skills and knowledge. I believe a more formal approach would bring greater benefits to those who are part of the scheme. With there now being so many career options and opportunities available to young people in the 21st century, having someone with greater experience in your chosen field to help guide you to achieve your goals is of great benefit.”

Neil is one of many who have taken up the mantle to invest in those in their early vocational stages. These relationships can seem simple enough in their structure, yet the results are often described as life-changing. There’s nothing like having a mentor who gives council, guides, supports and celebrates progress every step of the way.

How does the new mentoring scheme work?

Our new mentoring programme has been approved by the Court and draws heavily on successful schemes from other Livery Companies and the experiences of Coachmakers involved in other mentoring programmes.

Key features include:
1. Pairing award winners and younger members with experienced Coachmakers.
2. Structured guidance to help mentees navigate their early career challenges.
3. Opportunities for mentees to gain insights into various aspects of our associated industries.
4. A platform for mentors to share their wealth of knowledge and experience.

Each of these unique opportunities set up both a mentee and mentor to experience the life-changing benefits of our programme – and have the chance to create a ripple effect of impact long after the relationship has ended.

How can I get involved?

Our award winners have shown a strong desire to be mentored, and we are proud to step into the gap to offer a new way to bring their hopes to life. However, the success of this programme – and the future of our industries – relies on our experienced members.

If you are a member of the Company, we encourage you to become a mentor. There are several ways you can get started and make an immediate impact in the lives of others:
1. Sign up to be a mentor: Register with the scheme to get the mentor application form.
2. Tell a friend: Share this with other Coachmakers who would make great mentors.

By combining our traditional awards with dedicated mentorship, we’re not just recognising talent, we’re actively nurturing and investing in it. By becoming a mentor, you’re not just passing on knowledge, you’re shaping the future of our industries. You have the power to inspire innovation, foster excellence, and create a lasting impact that extends far beyond your own career. Join us in this endeavour to support, guide, and inspire the Coachmakers of tomorrow.

Are you ready to make a difference?

Eric Wallbank, Chairman of the Charity Committee

Michael Malone, Charity Committee member