Coachlines - September 2024

30.09.24 The Clerk Lt Col Craig Hallatt

Clerk’s notes – September 2024

Well, hello everyone, I am your new Clerk, Lieutenant Colonel Craig Hallatt. From now on you will hear from me each month in Coachlines.

Please allow me to tell you a bit about myself. I am about to retire from a 39-year career as an Army musician in which I have been lucky enough to take part in some of the most prestigious and sometimes dangerous global events of the past four decades.

Despite the pacifistic nature of my military career, it’s not all been crotchets and quavers; with a slight adjustment to an age-old chant from the terraces of Wembley reflecting on the friendly rivalry between British and German supporters, I have managed to participate in “two wars (Gulf War II and Afghanistan) and several FA cups (providing the music not kicking a ball)!”

In more recent times serving as the Principal Director of Music British Army and leading, as technical head of department, an organisation of 600 professional military musicians, I have been responsible for professional standards across army ceremonial music. Highlights of the past few years include being the last commissioned officer to salute HM The Late Queen Elizabeth II as she passed into the cloisters of St. George’s Chapel before being laid to rest, and taking part in the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla in 2023. A piece of music I composed – Carolean Jubiliate – celebrating this momentous occasion, was presented to Their Majesties’ in July 2024, and is now held in the royal archives.

So, as you can see, I do not have the traditional background associated with our remarkable Livery Company, however this does not detract from the fact that I am hugely privileged and honoured to be your Clerk. Indeed, when I embarked on this journey – a life after the army – I was very music-focused, but going through the process with the Coachmakers and the warm welcome I felt even at my first interview, I had no hesitation in turning my back on extending my musical career to accept the role of Clerk.

In a nutshell, I am very excited about the future. With the amazing sense of co-operation and collaboration that pervades the Company – exactly what attracted me to the Clerk’s position – and enables our incredible success investing in young people, industry and charitable organisations; I know we will go from strength to strength during the coming years.

The traditions and idiosyncrasies of the City of London

As many of you are aware, your Senior Warden Stephen Fitz-Gerald was elected and installed as Master on 2nd September. This meant that he acquired a ‘get out of jail card’ for the forthcoming British Red Cross ‘Escape from the Tower’ fundraiser.

Prior to his election he was, as he put it, threatened with being ‘banged up in the tower’ based on some spurious and outrageous charges; for which a fine was required to be paid to secure his release. These ‘fines’ are in fact a generous grant to the brilliant work of the British Red Cross and were raised by you as members through JustGiving donations. Not only was the fine paid, but the Master’s target of £1,500 was met and he pledged that any sums over that amount will be matched by him as a donation to our Charitable Trust.

This event is just one of the traditions of the livery which many members may not be aware of; the Master wishes to increase awareness and participation in such events during his year in office. In many instances Freemen and Liverymen can take part in these historic events, recognised globally, but seen perhaps as a bit of British eccentricity, such as the right of a Liveryman to drive his or her sheep (or goats) over bridges into the City.

The Master took part in this centuries-old tradition with Liverymen Anthony King and David Barrett over Southwark Bridge on Sunday 29th September. Details can be found here:

Stephen says: “The history of our livery company and that of the City is something that we should all be proud of. There are ceremonies and activities going on all the time and I want to ensure fellow Coachmakers are aware of these events, understand their significance, and grasp the opportunity to participate in them.”

Company events

The Lord Mayor’s Show 2024

The Lord Mayor’s Show will take place on Saturday 9th November 2024. Watch this space for details on how you can take part.

The Aerospace Industry Dinner 2024

The Aerospace Industry Dinner will take place at Ironmongers’ Hall in London on Thursday 21st November 2024. Keep an eye on your inbox – the book will open on 11th October 2024.

Christmas with The Coachmakers – 12th December 2024

Join us for a Christmas Carol Service in St James Garlickhythe, followed by mulled wine in Tallow Chandlers’ Hall with a two-course supper. After supper there will be musical entertainment – including a cameo appearance from your Clerk – fun, laughter and a Christmassy sing-a-long. We will also draw the 100 Club Super Draw and have a cash raffle, selling tickets on the night. Come and join us for some festive cheer. The book will open on 31st October 2024.

Recent events

The photos from the Election Court and Installation Dinner held at Tallow Chandlers’ Hall on Monday 2nd September 2024 can now be accessed via this link.

City news

The Livery Committee of the City of London has a new Chair

Julia Sibley MBE was elected at the City of London Livery Committee’s September meeting, having been Deputy Chair for the past three years. Julia is a Past Master Innholder, former CEO of the Savoy Educational Trust, with a long career in the hospitality industry.

The Livery Committee is an administrative committee of the City of London appointed by Common Hall. Founded in 1864, it has several purposes, chief of which is to oversee the organisation of Common Hall civic elections twice a year, and act as a forum for communication between the livery and the officers at Guildhall and Mansion House.

The Committee operates a livery liaison scheme where companies can raise issues and seek advice from a representative. Inter-livery activities such as the Climate Action Group, the Livery Schools Link and the Livery Companies Skills Council report at Committee meetings. The Committee also manages a livery-wide website which is an enormously useful resource.