Coachlines - October 2022
27.10.22 The Clerk
Clerk’s Notes – October 2022

Mark The Clerk
Do you have the feeling that you are currently living through a bad dream, or that you’re trapped in a film about a computer game that nobody truly understands, even if they claim they do? You are not alone.
Indeed, having already titled one of the James Bond franchise films “The World Is Not Enough” in which domination of the world’s oil supply underpinned the storyline, with all that is going on at the moment, not least the struggle over energy, perhaps the next one will reflect current events and be titled: “The World Has Gone Mad”.
Looking back at a previous turbulent period in world history, the traditional Naval Toast for Thursday, “A bloody war and a sickly season”, was popular in Nelson’s day. Perhaps originally introduced with tongue in cheek, it did reflect the fact that the more of one’s brother officers that were lost to disease or enemy action, the more rapidly the survivors could rise through the ranks; this improved one’s career prospects and with it one’s financial well-being. Harsh it may have been but it was probably a practical reflection of society at the time.
With all that is going on in the world right now, over the past year or so it would seem that the Coachmakers Company has suffered its own “sickly season”. If you read this edition’s In Memory piece you will see that once again the sudden loss of two more of the Company’s more active members is reported.
It is always sad to lose people we know, but for a moment I would like to focus on the loss of Liveryman John Pearl. He really was a gentleman in every sense of the word. A pleasure to know and to talk to, and a person who really did do good in the world. He was the sort of man who always restored one’s faith in humanity no matter what negative aspect of the world had inflicted itself upon you.
I shall miss our little chats and it will be an eternal regret that we didn’t get together before he died. After the Banquet on 8th June he invited me to join him for lunch so that I could tell him all that I had got up to in the South Atlantic back in 1982. Unfortunately his recent medical procedures had put the idea on hold but the last time we spoke, only a few days before he died, he was confident that all was well and that we could meet up soon. It was not to be.
However, his legacy to the Company is the 100 Club. With the support of other Coachmakers, amongst them the indomitable Vivienne Davis, wife of Past Master Mike Davis, John was instrumental in setting up the fundraising initiative back in 2009 and managed it thereafter. The quarterly draw has made many members very happy to receive either the £800 first prize or the £400 second prize (£1,600 and £800 in the Q4 Christmas Draw) and it has contributed circa £76k to the Coachmakers’ Charitable Trust since it started.
With John’s passing, the challenge now is to find a Coachmaker who will be willing to take on the role that John filled so effectively for so long. We have a copy of his Access Database that contains all the details of the 100 Club Membership and a full record of all the financial details involved since its inception, and the Assistant Clerk is confident that we have all the necessary details to conduct the Q3 Draw at the Aerospace Industry Dinner.
However, we need to find a new manager to keep the balls rolling. Would you like to take it on? If so contact me at
Forthcoming Coachmaker Events
Aerospace Industry Dinner – 8th November 2022
There are still places available, please follow this link to book your place.
The Lord Mayor’s Show – 12th November 2022
Do you want to know what it feels like to be cheered by up to half a million people for doing nothing more than walking through the streets of London? To find out join the Master and other members of the Coachmakers’ Company in the Lord Mayor’s Show – book your place here.
Other City events
Invitation to exclusive access to two craft masters’ exhibition
The renowned Royal School of Needlework brings a Graduate Exhibition to Girdlers’ Hall on Basinghall Avenue in Moorgate. Girdlers’ Hall is home to the Worshipful Company of Girdlers and is rarely open to the public. The Art of Hand Embroidery Exhibition will be open for three days only from Tuesday 8th November to Thursday 10th November, 11am-4pm. If you are in town and wish to immerse yourself in the rich heritage and expertise of two craft masters, the venue is Girdlers’ Hall, Basinghall Avenue, London EC2V 5DD. RSVP is essential. Please register your name on the guest list at this link
City news
The October version of the Livery Briefing newsletter, can be found here. It is also available on the City Livery Committee website at
In conclusion
On 28th October 1971, Parliament debated the European Community’s principle of membership and voted 356 to 244 in favour of joining. This required a new law to be drafted and a later final vote was held that agreed the terms on which the UK should join.
I wonder what happened to that?