Coachlines - December 2023

20.12.23 Freeman David Barzilay

A model mail coach

I’ve always been a bit of a collector, rummaging through antique and junk shops the length and breadth of the UK, and across the rest of the world when on holiday.

From quite an early age I started collecting old toys, which I still do, but have never had a mail coach in my collection – until recently.

Like everything else the world of collecting has gone digital, and it is easy to peruse the auction houses throughout the country online. However, one of the best sources of finding interesting items, or junk, as my wife would call some of them, is to peruse eBay which has a very good search engine.

So, one evening not that long ago I decided to enter “model mail coach.” Initially there appeared to be nothing of interest as I scrolled down, just some picture postcards of model mail coaches from various museums, but then an image of the model York to London coach that accompanies this article popped into view.

It had a decent starting price and although there were a few people watching and ultimately bidding, I acquired it for a reasonable price complete with driver. He is a little worse for wear and will need some loving attention, as will the coach, which needs a good clean, and some running repairs. But it was a good buy and will be an important part of my collection.

It is obviously hand made from wood and is not an exhibition model, but I think it has a lot of charm.