Coachlines - December 2024
24.12.24 Freeman David Barzilay
A letter from the Deputy Editor – December 2024
Dear readers,
As I write this, I am juggling between getting final press releases and articles out on behalf of clients, wondering whether I have remembered everyone who should be getting a Christmas card, sampling Mrs Barzilay’s new Christmas trifle, apparently, it’s a new recipe, and thinking about when I am doing the final bits of my Christmas shopping.
I am sure it’s the same for all of you, the Christmas holidays seem to creep up very quickly, and despite saying every year it will all be planned, it never is. There is always that last minute rush to make sure that we have all the ingredients for a great Christmas.
Christmas is a celebration, but it’s also a time of reflection when we take stock and look back at the past year, as well as looking forward to the new year.
It’s been a great year for this Company with many exciting events and visits happening. Our Christmas Carol Service & Concert was a resounding success, as you will have read in the Master’s Message.
In his message, Craig refers to Past Master Richard Dallimore and all the things that went on when he was Master in 1985, including the release of the film Back to the Future, which of course featured the DMC DeLorean.
Well in this edition you will see an article that I have written about a new book which looks at James Bond’s different modes of transport in amazing detail. So, if you are a Bond fan or simply love cars, planes or boats there is something for you. It’s a lavish production and a real keepsake.
Our Editor Assistant Lyn Litchfield asked me to bring you up to date with Donald Campbell’s Bluebird K7 and its future, and I have done that in a separate article. The Master and I are currently looking at how we can assist the project to put it back on Coniston Water in 2026 and keep the Campbell Family name to the fore.
It’s been a successful fundraising year for the Company, and our Fundraising Committee is looking forward to stepping up its efforts to increase the funds available to the Charity Trustees. In Hon Assistant David Barrett’s article he outlines ways in which all of us can help, so let’s do the best that we can.
Hon Assistant David, who seems to be one of our best “Roving Reporters”, has also written a very interesting piece about London’s newest attraction, Eden Dock in Canary Wharf. It was designed and developed by Cornwall’s Eden Project which really encourages us all to take a look. David’s reporting reminded me of another line from a Bond film, “we have people everywhere.” Certainly, David seems to fit the bill, I wonder what he will come up with next month.
Assistant Eric Wallbank writes about the Science Museum Skills Fair, which six Coachmakers, Steward Roger Woodbridge, Liveryman Nick Lyford, Master Stephen Fitz-Gerald, Freeman Mike Malone, Freeman Katherine Keogh and of course Assistant Eric, attended. Each year the event attracts more and more students aged between 11 and 16 – well you could say that – this year 600 students turned up.
In his message, the Master talks about his four Fs – Fellowship, Friendship, Fundraising and Fun which is his mantra for the year. They all seem to be working and many of you are engaging and enjoying yourselves in the process, but all of this makes us a stronger company and one which can do more good.
I hope you all have a great Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year and that we all use the four Fs – not only to assist this great organisation, but also in our daily lives.
Wishing you all a great time,
David Barzilay
Deputy Editor