Hill climb heroes and guests with the Master and Chairman of the BOC, Nick Upton

Coachlines - July 2021

09.07.21 The Master Sarah J Adams-Diffey

Prescott Hill Climb School – Wednesday 9th June 2021

A magical day at Prescott organised by Liveryman Richard Pugh was shared by nine Coachmakers and Chairman of the Livery of Distillers’ Car Club Richard Watling. The weather was glorious, not a cloud in the sky.

The Master taking lunch with Liveryman Roger & Karen Woodbridge, and guest Richard Watling, Liveryman of the Distillers and Chairman of the Distillers Car Club.

The Master with Roger & Karen Woodbridge, and Richard Watling of the Distillers Car Club

The Bugatti Owners Club, run by Freeman Nicholas Upton, have the most wonderful Club House half way up the Hill and in complying with all necessary Covid-19 guidelines, the huge sliding glass windows were all pulled open to allow the participants in the class room, not only maximum air flow, but the most glorious views over the Gloucestershire hills.

The Bugatti Trust, chaired by Freeman Hugh Conway, which is based at the bottom of the hill, was most kind in opening its doors for guests who joined their hill climbing heroes and made us feel very welcome as we toured the museum. Lunch was taken outside at the BOC clubhouse with very grown up picnic boxes handed out, full of delicious food.

For me as the Master, it was a truly wonderful moment to meet fellow Liverymen, and to be able to reconnect with some who we haven’t seen for a while. Herewith a thank you note from Liveryman Chris Mann:

Hi Sarah,

A quick note to thank you, Richard and the BOC team at Prescott for setting up and organising a truly magnificent day at Prescott. My ‘team’ all had a great day, whilst the weather was a most welcome bonus. It is 23 years since my stepson James and I last took part in a school day at Prescott and even longer since I competed there with the VSCC, very worrying.

Chris Mann