Coachlines - May 2018
30.05.18 John Blauth
Paddy Hopkirk MBE endorses The Coachmakers
The spring edition of Bulletin – the magazine for members of the British Racing Drivers Club, included a mention of The Coachmakers in the President’s foreword. President Paddy Hopkirk MBE was our guest speaker at the automotive dinner and spoke about it in his column.
“In March fellow BRDC member John Blauth did me the honour of asking me to be the guest speaker at his Worshipful Livery Company of Coachmakers, whose strapline is “An Active Livery Investing in Young People”. It started in 1677 so is even older than the BRDC and me, too.
“It does great charity work of recruiting young engineers in the aerospace and automotive industries, just like we are doing at Silverstone. I hope I helped to spread the gospel on the good work of the BRDC Rising Stars and BRDC SuperStars, Silverstone and the Institute of Advanced Motorists RoadSmart Charity in recruiting young and safer driving talent.”