Coachlines - July 2022
28.07.22 Honorary Assistant Lesley Upham
New Liverymen join the Coachmakers
At the Summer Reception held aboard HQS Wellington on the 14th July we welcomed one member who was clothed in the Livery, and four new Freemen, reports Hon Assistant Lesley Upham.

Newly clothed Liveryman Michael Baunton CBE
Newly clothed Liveryman Michael Baunton CBE
Michael and his wife Virginia live near the lovely town of Stamford in Lincolnshire. Michael attended both Coventry and Lancaster Universities, studying Engineering and is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He is chairman of VTL Group and SMMT Industry Forum. His interests are listed as motorsport, classic, vintage and current vehicles. While on the sporting front he is keen on cricket and rugby. Travel, food and wine also get a look in!

Newly sworn Freeman Simon Cooper
Newly sworn Freeman Simon Cooper
Simon, Jessica and their two daughters hail from Maidenhead in Berkshire. Simon gained an MA in Communications from the University of Leeds and a BA(Hons) in Politics and Legislative Studies from Hull University. He is the Business Development Director for Maritime and Land at QinetiQ Group. Simon is a runner and has raised considerable funds for various charities over the years. His activities include his Peloton bike, walking Rufus the dog, golf and reading.

Newly sworn Freeman Lewis Brooks
Newly sworn Freeman Lewis Brooks
Lewis, winner of the Aerotron Scholarship 2018, lives in London. His qualifications include a B1.1 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence, Bombardier Global BD-700 type rating and Level 3 Aircraft Maintenance Diploma, City and Guilds 2675-0. He is currently a B1.1 Aircraft Engineer at Bombardier UK, London Biggin Hill Airport. He has a wide range of interests covering all the Coachmakers sectors and enjoys running and travel. Lewis comments, ‘I have benefited from the Worshipful Company’s charity and so would like to join to help others.’

Newly sworn Freeman William Blamey
Newly sworn Freeman William Blamey
William, who is MD at LTPA-QinetQ, and his wife Kate live in Fleet, Hampshire. William attended Royal Holloway, University of London and is a member of the Forward Institute. He enjoys skiing, diving, hill walking and reading. Although as a father of three young boys, most of his spare time is used watching rather than playing sport! William is looking forward to meeting the interesting mix of fellow Coachmakers.

Newly sworn Freeman Carl Isaac
Newly sworn Freeman Carl Isaac
Carl and his partner James live in Reading. He holds an LLB from the University of Wales, Swansea Law School and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Accountants of England and Wales. He is a partner in C&W Management Services LLP and leads the tax function for Cushman and Wakefield for EMEA. Carl has a keen interest in coaching and is part of the Lewis & Isaac Coaching Team. He owns the Park Drag Coach and organises coaching events for the Berkshire Show and the Road Club of Great Britain.