Coachlines - December 2021
16.12.21 The Master Sarah Sillars OBE
Master’s message December 2021
What is Christmas?
It is tenderness for the past,
Courage for the present
Hope for the future
– Agnes M. Pahro
As the festive season fast approaches, I want to use my “Past, Present & Future” theme to highlight our Livery activities. We have had a much more positive and extraordinary few months, where many of our liberties have been returned to us. We have met family, friends, colleagues and companions. The visits to our chosen charities of 2021 have continued and we can be proud that we have made a difference to a significant number of people. People who were truly disadvantaged by the pandemic.
We have also had the opportunity and pleasure of meeting together as Liverymen, covering a wide and varied programme of Livery events as well as the formal City of London corporation activities, of which we are proud to be a part. My thanks go not only to those who give their time so freely and professionally to arrange these events, but also to all of you who have supported them.
As I write, we are seeing the new Covid variant dominate our headlines. I hope you all get the opportunity to be with family and friends and are able to celebrate Christmas as you would wish, whilst giving a hand to others as Liverymen can and often do.
For the future, we have a full calendar of events programmed. I hope that by the time you are reading this, your Christmas card and Spring Event Flyer will have landed on your doormats. I am clearly minded that this programme may change, depending on government guidelines. However, as had been shown admirably before we will adapt to whatever is required of us. After all, there is always Zoom!
Once again, I would like to thank all the Court, notably the Committees and members, who are the bedrock of our activity. Membership is the lifeblood of our Livery, and it is for this reason that I have asked John Ponsonby, Membership Committee Chairman, to be our podcast guest this month. So please do listen and hear John’s call to action.
Lastly, John and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and safe passage into 2022.
Kind regards
This holiday season, let’s make it a point to cherish what’s truly important in our lives.