Coachlines - December 2018
19.12.18 The Master Graham Cole CBE
Master’s message December 2018
As we approach the festive season, I would like to send to all Coachmakers and their families my best wishes for Christmas and the new year.
It has been another year of growth for the livery with an increase in both our events and our charitable giving. It has been particularly pleasing to be able to record the expansion in our support for the training of young people, including our Coachmaker apprenticeships. At our recent carol service supper, I was delighted to present a cheque to our latest apprentice, Tom Castle. We are delighted to support Tom in his apprenticeship with Fairbourne Carriages. Our livery’s origin was centred on the training and standard of new entrants to our industry, so our mission in the 17th century remains the same today.
Next year promises to be another exciting year. We have our traditional annual functions but will be complemented by the additional events being prepared by the livery committee. Our charity committee is engaged in raising additional funds, which will enable our charitable giving to be further increased.
Our membership committee is working well to bring forward excellent new candidates for us to consider inviting to become Coachmakers. And our communications team is improving our link with members of the livery in a number of first class and innovative ways.
I thank the chairmen and members of the committees for all their work.
As we move towards the end of the year, we remember several of our Coachmakers who passed away during the year. Past Master Philip Ashfield, Court Assistant Mike Moran and Liverymen Sir Peter Squire, Frederick Aldous, Stuart Errington, Sir Seymour Gilbert-Denham, Dr Cyril Nemeth, William Roscoe, Ken Scowcroft, Donald Wilson and Tony Worthy were all committed Coachmakers and supported the livery. We send to their families, our thoughts and best wishes at this time.
My personal thanks to the Past Masters and Wardens for their support and encouragement shown to Pat and myself. It is greatly appreciated. To everyone, a very happy and peaceful Christmas and successful new year.