Coachlines - December 2020
21.12.20 The Master Sarah Jane Adams-Diffey
Master’s message Christmas 2020
Dear fellow Liveryman
Just this last weekend we have learnt from the Government that for a lot of us our Christmas is to be further hindered by the pandemic with far stricter lockdown measures which will preclude us from meeting up with family and friends.
I know that for a lot of you this has brought enormous heartache, at what should be one of the happiest times of the year.
I cannot predict the future, but what I would say is that we as a collective are a strong bunch. We know that there is a vaccine which is now being administered as quickly as they are able, and this is a moment in time, albeit not a very convenient one, which will pass, and things will get better of that I am quite sure.
If you would like to have a chat, for no good reason over the festivities, even on Christmas Day, then I am always free for my fellow Liverymen. Please do not feel that you are alone. We are in this together.
If anybody would like to join in with my Livery Zoom call at 10am on Christmas morning, then you would be very welcome. Please give me a call and I will send you the link via email.
And there is also a wonderful live stream Christmas morning service at the Coachmakers’ affiliated church, St James Garlickhythe which starts at 10.30am and the soloist will be Caroline Lenton-Ward which will be wonderful.
I myself, living in Hertfordshire am now in Tier 4 and with a fridge full to bursting and a drinks cabinet to suit, Simon and I will just have to knuckle down and see if we cannot polish the lot off by Easter!
With my very fondest regards to you all,
Master Coachmaker
07734 101 427