Coachlines - June 2022
28.06.22 Liveryman Christopher Tate
Join the Coachmakers’ display at the Hampton Court Concours
As the upcoming summer looks more and more likely to be a good one – for weather, if not for fuel prices – we have some spaces yet to fill at Hampton Court on Sunday 4th September.
This is a reminder to those who have applied before and also an invitation to a small new group of likely candidates, who have not yet offered their special motor car to join the Coachmakers’ ‘invited 10′ cars, for our own display on the Sunday.
The event is an enjoyable and relaxing day. The Coachmakers are very lucky to have the kind offer of this slot, alongside the various single-manufacturer clubs who are also invited to join this Concours in the magnificent grounds of Hampton Court.
Julian Leach and I are hoping to arrange a welcoming breakfast picnic in the park nearby in which all invited clubs’ participants assemble before parading into the main show ground – so there’s an added incentive.
Please contact me at christophertate100@gmail.com or call on 07976 400402 or 01926 817818 and tell me about your beautiful motor and let us ensure that once again, our Livery puts on a great show.