02.07.18 John Kendall

Invitation to a private viewing of “Wings 100” Art by Jeremy Houghton Monday 9th July 2018

To mark the centenary of the Royal Air Force, artist Jeremy Houghton has been tracking down and sketching the remaining airmen who flew in Spitfires, Hurricanes and Lancasters during WWII. He has created many evocative sketches of those involved, which not only show how these brave people look now, but also show some of the haunted features that many still carry after the many years of stress endured during the conflict. A group picture of four surviving fighter pilots who flew on the Battle of Britain entitled ‘The Last of the Few’, and a group picture of seven Bomber Command airmen entitled ‘The Last of the Many’ are to be auctioned later in the year with 100% of the proceeds going to the RAF Air Cadets. A preview of the sketches can be seen on Jeremy’s website.

Jeremy has invited us to a private viewing of his “Wings 100” collection of drawings at Clarendon Fine Art, 46 Dover St, Mayfair W1S 4NX from 1800-2000 hrs on 9 July. Drinks will be provided, and he will give us a talk about his works. The cost for this event is £15.00, payable at the door.

Jeremy Houghton is a British painter whose work attempts to capture movement. His career has been marked by contrasting experiences and places. He studied in France and then worked for a number of years in South Africa. An idea of his experience can be found here. 

“Wings100” Private Viewing

Price: £15.00, payable at the door.

Monday 9 July 1800 – 2000

Venue: Clarendon Fine Art, 46 Dover St, Mayfair W1S 4NX