Coachlines - July 2021
09.07.21 Membership Committee
Position vacant: Could you become more involved with your Livery Company?
Whether you have just joined or have been a member for some time, have you considered becoming an active participant? As a member of our vibrant Company there are numerous opportunities for you to become more involved. So why not raise your hand to find out more about the ways you can help our Company flourish and deliver our aim of being an active Livery investing in young people?
You may be a great organiser, have a wide range of contacts to draw on for events and speakers. You might have experience working in the world of charitable giving and trusteeships. Maybe communications, fundraising or mentoring our younger members at the outset of their careers attracts you. All these activities help to contribute to the feeling of community we are so lucky to have in the Coachmakers.
If you are thinking, yes that’s me, then why not contact The Clerk and find out how you can become involved in developing the future of the company.