Coachlines - July 2018
31.07.18 Lesley Upham
Do you have an interest in Communications? Then the Livery Communications Committee needs you!
As you are reading this article I know you are a member of the Livery! The Communications Committee, working with the Master and the Clerk are here to ensure you are kept up to date with the latest news and activities which your fellow Liverymen are involved with. Last year the team relaunched the website, sent you more than 60 messages and seven editions of Coachlines. We have engaged with other liveries and issued news stories to wider media outlets.
But we wish to do more, especially in support of our aim to be “An active livery investing in young people”. To do this, the Communications Committee needs your help. The Committee is tasked with raising the profile of the Livery and to explore all avenues which will encourage engagement from current members of the Livery, potential new members and also interest from the sectors we represent: coachmakers and coach harness makers, aerospace, automotive, services and the City. We meet three to four times a year and are about to start planning for the new livery year which starts in September.
So, if you are interested or have a background in marketing, communications, public relations or social media and would like to join our merry band, then I would like to hear from you!
Drop me a note on or call me of 07733 300472 to discuss further.
I look forward to hearing from you.