Coachlines - January 2024
30.01.24 Liveryman Alastair Boyes
Coachmakers are fired up for shooting season
The Coachmakers game shooting day of the 2023 season took place at the Maisemore Court Estate in Gloucestershire on 30th December. The days consisted of five drives shot by a team of eight guns. The team was made up of Coachmakers and friends, with the Coachmakers’ contingent comprising:
Helen Hoffman
Alastair Boyes
John Boyes
Bob Dover
Andrew Garner
Stephen Hammerton
Scott Roberts
Desmond Smail
The day started with a team safety meeting and tea and coffee at the shoot lodge. The pegs were drawn and the team headed out for the first two drives of the day, after which a picnic style lunch was taken in the field. This was followed by three drives. Overall, it was a great day and luckily the rain held off, there were some great shots and some easy shots missed. The shooting comprised challenging but well presented pheasant, partridge and duck driven across hedgerow, woodland and valleys.
It has been a busy game shooting season for many Coachmakers this year and the end of the season is now in sight. With this in mind, the next Coachmakers shooting event will be at Honesberie Shooting School, Warwickshire, on Saturday 17th February. The form for the day shall be to meet for breakfast at 10am at the shooting school. Informal shooting of 100 clays or so, with a bit of banter and competition. Following shooting, lunch will be taken at the Red Lion in Hellidon. The aim of the day is to finish around 2pm. All are welcome to join us for what should be an entertaining day of shooting, good company and a nice lunch.
If you would like to attend please contact Alastair Boyes alastair_boyes@hotmail.co.uk (or 07586 691820).