Coachlines - April 2020
18.04.20 Lesley Upham
Coachmaker becomes High Sheriff of Warwickshire
The 2020 inauguration of the High Sheriff of Warwickshire took place via Zoom meeting on 9th April 2020.
The inauguration of Liveryman Joe Greenwell CBE as High Sheriff of Warwickshire for 2020-2021, was due to take place in Court No 1 at Shire Hall in Warwick on Thursday 9th April, however the ceremony took a digital route due to the restrictions associated with the coronavirus.
Joe made his declaration online, which is likely to be the first time such a ceremony has been conducted in this manner. The participants joined by video conference from their own homes and all played their parts in making the ceremony memorable.
Pictured above are High Court Judge Sir John Saunders, who presided over the ceremony supported by Warwickshire’s Resident Judge, His Honour Judge Lockhart, QC. While The Lord-Lieutenant, Timothy Cox, read out The Royal Warrant.
David Lodder was also confirmed as Under Sheriff and The Reverend Dr Vaughan S Roberts was appointed as The High Sheriff’s Chaplain. Vaughan is the Vicar of the Collegiate Church of St Mary and Team Rector of Warwick.
A video of the ceremony can be found at
The High Sheriff is appointed by Her Majesty The Queen as her representative in the county on matters relating to law and order. The Sheriff is the oldest secular office under the Crown.
The Covid-19 pandemic will undoubtedly mean that Joe’s shrieval year will be different from that anticipated, but he hopes to get out and about in the county as soon as restrictions are lifted. Joe is looking forward to continuing the excellent work performed by previous high sheriffs:
• To support all those involved in protecting and promoting law and order in the county with particular reference to the police, ambulance, and fire service.
• To support the judiciary to include the judges, magistrates, coroners, prison and probations service.
• To support local charities within the county and Crimebeat in particular as previous high sheriffs of Warwickshire have done.
Joe has also decided to focus on initiatives within the county associated with employability and apprenticeships.