Coachlines - June 2019
04.06.19 The Clerk
Clerk’s notes June 2019
As I write, we are just over 24 hours away from the Coachmakers’ Banquet 2019, at which we shall be unveiling for the first time since its full restoration, the 200 year-old Quicksilver, hearing the horns and trumpets of the London Banqueting Ensemble, listening to the sweet voices of young members of the Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation, and entertained by Honorary Coachmaker Alderman Dr Sir Andrew Parmley in his role as the Representative Lord Mayor for the night.
As you read this it will either have been a resounding success and the Master will be hailed as a hero, or something will have gone slightly awry and the Clerk will be seeking alternative employment. A special edition of Coachlines will cover all the details so I’ll just get on with it and tell you what you need to know this month.
Places are still available at the British Driving Society Show at Smith’s Lawn, Windsor on Sunday 23rd June. Follow this link to book.
The day after, on Monday 24th June, it is the Election of the Sheriffs for the ensuing year in the Guildhall. Those who wish to attend should email the Clerk for a ticket. Those who were clothed Liverymen on the 31st May 2018 are eligible and lunch can be taken at Tallow Chandlers’ Hall immediately afterwards at a cost of £60 pp including vat. For more detail e-mail the Clerk and for details of the various candidates follow this link.
For those who have an interest in the wider democratic process of the Shrievalty and Mayoralty of the City of London see here.
On a similar theme, if leaping over the edge of tall buildings attached to no more than a piece of string, or simply standing on the ground looking up and waiting for said string to fray is your thing, then the Lord Mayor’s challenge to abseil down Barclays HQ in Canary Wharf on 5th July might be of interest to you – follow this link.
However, please note in your diary that the Coachmaker Summer Court Dinner will be held at Barber Surgeons’ hall on 17th July 2019; the advert will go live very shortly.
Regarding inter-livery sport, the Inter Livery Tennis Tournament 2019 will be held at Queen’s Club on 4th September 2019 organised by the Feltmakers’ Company. Therefore if strawberries and cream and offensive grunting are more your cup of tea follow this link.
Once again I request that members keep their personal details up-to-date on the website Directory, and please do your best to use the electronic booking system to book places for our events rather than automatically resorting to ‘other’ means. Chasing up retrospective payments, trying to identify un-referenced BACS payments or simply trying to read the hand-writing on a scrap of paper purporting to be a request for four tickets to a banquet leaves us less time to actually organise the events.
That said, do please continue to support all Coachmaker events but particularly those organised by the Livery Committee.
And finally, at the Award to Industry Court Meeting in January, the members of the Court agreed to propose Honorary Court Assistant John Blauth for consideration for the City Livery Company’s Root and Branch Award for 2019; see:
The results of this year’s competition are as follows:
The judging panel, chaired by Sheriff the Hon. Liz Green, met recently, and the following awards will be made.
Peter French MBE, of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, for initiating the Sheriffs’ Award for Bravery, establishing The Register of Chartered Security Professionals through the Livery’s Royal Charter, and for many years’ fundraising work.
Lifetime Achievement Winner
Hugh Adams, of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, for over 30 years’ support for the Blacksmiths’ craft and encouraging working Blacksmiths to achieve their goals.
Highly Commended Award
John Blauth, of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers, for supporting and encouraging young people to enter the automative, aerospace and coachbuilding industries, including the wide dissemination of the Coachmakers’ Engineering Guide.
Company Award
To the Worshipful Company of Poulters, for increasing public awareness of the Livery, raising funds and providing entertainment through holding the Inter-Livery Pancake Races for 15 years.
Well done, John.