Coachlines - April 2023
27.04.23 The Clerk
Clerk’s Notes April 2023

Mark The Clerk
It is said that “mighty oaks from little acorns do grow” reflecting that it only takes one small thing to lead to something much bigger. This is essentially the idea that underpins the work of the Coachmakers’ Charitable Trust and its support to young people at the beginning of their careers in the Coachmakers’ affiliated industries.
However, it was back in 1999 when my son received his acorn. Having decided at age 12 that formal piano lessons were too restrictive and “borrring!” his doting parents tried to encourage a continued interest in music via a large and expensive electronic keyboard instead. The lad had an ear for music and creative talent, that was obvious, but he needed some focus and the keyboard helped but it wasn’t very portable.
Joining Year 9 of a very large school in the South of England, he entered an environment which was rich in performing art and joined a cohort that had already formed a number of “bands”. It wasn’t long before he was asking for a guitar. Sceptical that he may not last the distance I nonetheless persuaded his mother that I should take him to the local music shop to “have a look” at what was available and what it might cost.
We returned home with a second hand Fender Stratocaster electric guitar in bright red and a small Marshall amplifier. His Mother, less than impressed, simply said: “I thought you were only going to look!”
Notwithstanding, it was perhaps the best thing I ever did for the lad because that guitar, and the passion that it inspired within him, led to him becoming a very successful Sound Design Engineer with his own company and more work than he has hours in the day. And through that he is also part of a co-operative of similar types working with Sony that recently won a BAFTA for Best Audio at the recent BAFTA Games Awards.
And all down to a second hand acorn; cue proud father.
Forthcoming Coachmaker events
Bletchley Park – 17th May 2023
A private guided tour for circa 25 people is being organised with self-pay lunch on site to follow. Follow this link to book your place.
Visit to Cranfield – 25th May 2023
This will be a day trip visit including Cranfield Aerospace Solutions and its hydrogen powered Islander, the university and possibly the airborne lab, followed by a pub supper. More details will be distributed nearer the date.
A wardroom-style mess dinner in the exclusive Members’ Dining Room of the Guildhall – 14th June 2023
Keep an eye on your inbox for the advert which will be released in early May.
Banquet – 6th June 2023
See separate feature in this edition.
Summer Dinner at Saddlers’ Hall – 13th July 2023
The advert will be released in late May.
Forthcoming City events
Shrieval Election Common Hall, Guildhall – 26th June 2023
The Election of the Sheriffs for the ensuing year will take place in the Guildhall on Monday morning of 26th June 2023, and for Coachmakers, the opportunity to take lunch at Tallow Chandlers’ Hall immediately afterwards. Liverymen who were sworn and clothed prior to the 31st May 2022 are entitled to vote. If you would like a pass to gain entry to the Guildhall to exercise this right and/or wish to take lunch thereafter, please email the Clark at:
The Feltmakers’ Inter-Livery Tennis Competition – 13th September 2023
To be held at Queen’s Club, the competition is open to teams of mixed pairs, with each Livery Company allowed to enter a maximum of two pairs. The competition is designed for Liverymen and their spouses/partners/friends; one person in each pair should therefore, ideally, be a Liveryman. The competition will be run as an American tournament, with quarter-finals, semi-finals and a final. The Feltmakers’ Trophy will be awarded to the winners. There will be a knock-out plate competition for first round group losers. The start time will be 11am.
]The competition will be followed by dinner when the Master Feltmaker will present prizes to the winners and the runners-up. The evening normally ends shortly after 9.30pm. Full details and application forms will be available in mid-June but if you wish to express an interest contact:
The Architects’ – 300 years of Wren Cycling Tour, Oxford to Cambridge – 0900 2nd June to 1600 3rd June 2023
To celebrate 300 years of Sir Christopher Wren, Club Peloton have teamed up with the some City Livery Companies, to link two cities with a cycle to take in some of the stunning architecture which has been created and remains a lasting memory of his impact. Follow this link for more details of how you can join in.
Recent Coachmaker events
For those who attended the recent Automotive Industry Dinner at Vintners’ Hall on 23rd March 2023, the photos from the occasion can be found here.
Other Livery News
The City Livery Committee City Briefings are held to educate and inform Liverymen and Freemen on the ways and history of the City of London. The next Briefing is on 25th May 2023 at Guildhall. The Briefings are designed as an introduction to the City of London and its relationship with the Livery Companies. Spouses and partners are also welcome at the four City Briefings arranged each year. A small fee is charged to cover refreshments, book using the Livery Committee website here:
If you are new to the City I strongly encourage you to attend one of these briefings.
The John Pearl 100 Club
Thank you to all those who put their names forward to join the membership, all places are now filled and the next draw will take place at the Summer Dinner on 13th July.
The Clerk and Assistant Clerk took on the role of administering the John Pearl 100 Club following Liveryman John Pearl’s sudden and unexpected passing. However, this is a role that should be fulfilled by a member of the Company. It is an important part of the Company’s charitable activities.
If you would be willing to take it on and help generate funds that directly support the various bursaries, scholarships and awards that the Coachmakers’ Charitable Trust bestow upon young people throughout the year, please contact the Clerk:
In conclusion
Did I mention that my son was part of a talented group of people who recently won a BAFTA?
Probably; and it goes with the Golden Reel they won earlier this year.
Notwithstanding, Ragnarök, God of War may not be something that has crossed your horizon but in the world inhabited by your grandchildren, it’s a popular and successful computer game that will make Sony a lot of money.
Most of the UK based artists involved in its production weren’t able to travel to Los Angeles for the Golden Reel Award Ceremony in February, but this year’s BAFTA Games Award Ceremony was held at Southbank Centre’s Queen Elizabeth Hall on 30th March. As a result, Sony was keen that all the UK based artists involved in producing their current flagship game were present at the event on the night.
However, although they wanted the team to attend, Sony declined to pay for the tickets. Not necessarily the most generous approach, given the success of the game, but opportunities like this don’t come along every year so my son very wisely decided that he and his wife should both be there. They had a wonderful time and the award was the icing on the cake but the tickets to attend the ceremony and the big bash that followed cost them £600 – EACH!
Which makes the Coachmakers’ Banquet at £200 each, an absolute bargain!