Coachlines - April 2019
15.04.19 Assistant Bill Dastur
Building bridges with other liveries
Assistant Bill Dastur and his wife Elisabeth represented (or more accurately turned out in the name of) the Coachmakers at the recent Inter Livery Bridge evening run by The Makers of Playing Cards Company and held at Drapers Hall in March.
Thirty-two livery companies were represented and there were 56 pairs playing on that evening. The highlights of the evening included an excellent supper, good wines and an amazing play by Elisabeth in the first hand after supper. Bill says he made totally the wrong bid (he claims the wine was not a factor – much!) but Elisabeth remarkably made an almost impossible contract to deliver them a very high duplicate score on that hand.
This was their second appearance at this event and as a pairing that plays only a few times a year there were some strange calls and play. Nevertheless, they improved their overall position to finish 49th and met some very pleasant and friendly pairs from other liveries.