Coachlines - July 2018

02.07.18 John Kendall

Barbara Stockton accepts annual Carriage Driving Award

Once again, the British Driving Society’s annual show, staged this year on 24th June at the home of the Guard’s Polo Club, Smith’s Lawn, in Windsor Great Park, gave the Livery the setting to present the annual Carriage Driving Award.

This year’s winner was Barbara Stockton, driving her coach “The Monarch”, drawn by a team of her own hackney horses. The presentation was made by the Master, who was accompanied by the Clerk, chair of the awards committee Mark Broadbent and other company members.

Barbara Stockton has been a long-standing judge with the Hackney Horse Society, of which she is currently chairman. Mrs Stockton has been exhibiting Hackney horses since the 1970s and with her husband Rod, breeds Hackneys too. The Monarch, which once operated as a stage coach between Birmingham and Shrewsbury, is used by the Stocktons to undertake extended road tours to raise funds for a variety of local charities.

Smith’s Lawn was bathed in sunshine and gave liverymen and their guests an opportunity to see carriage-driving skills at close quarters. The day also saw the finals of the Guard’s Polo Club’s oldest competition, the Royal Windsor Cup, attended by HM The Queen and HRH Prince Philip.