Coachlines - June 2024

28.06.24 Assistant Lyn Litchfield

A letter from the Editor – June 2024

Dear readers,

This June, we commemorated the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings. It was one of the most humbling moments in my life, facing Omaha Beach, with the American Cemetery behind me. The beach was golden, the white crosses silent, and the sea calm. The only ripples in sight were the welled up tears in my eyes.

There is a very good exhibition at the American Cemetery. Besides describing the D-Day Landings, it also gives heartwarming personal stories about those heroic soldiers. Some were Olympians who competed at the Berlin Olympics in 1936 before facing their German rivals in the war, and subsequently losing their lives on Omaha Beach.

Some say it’s events like these which make us appreciate how precious peace is. Eighty years on, Paris will host the 2024 Olympics this summer.

In this edition of Coachlines, we highlight the Coachmakers’ sports sector in our Meet the Team feature. Liveryman Alastair Boyes leads the shooting section and Steward Graeme Hunt is our captain of golf. Both offer fascinating reads which demonstrate true sportsmanship and showcase the variety of activities championed by our Livery.

As Chair of the Comms Committee, I often chat with senior members of the Company and ask them what brought them to the Coachmakers and why they devote so much of their time and resources to the Company. Besides the shared goal of “investing in young people”, I found the other common thread which weaves us together is the desire for camaraderie and friendship. I see this in the Court, in all committees, among general membership and in a way, the most strikingly, within the sports sector. I strongly hope more people from our membership will join these sports activities, let out their talents and forge new friendships.

In this issue, we bring you reports from Company events, including a private tour of the Inner Temple Gardens and Temple Church, and a unique airborne refuelling experience at RAF Brize Norton. One of our next outings is the Commandant’s Parade at Sandhurst on 7th August, for more details please read Steward David Manchester’s piece.

We also feature four automotive apprentices whom Steward Giles Taylor, Liveryman Nick Lyford and other members of the Automotive Sub-committee have worked hard to support. Steward Neil Sheath has also encouraged Aaron MacLeod, our aerospace scholarship winner, to tell his story about how he has become a B1 Aircraft Maintenance Licence holder.

Our stories this month confirm that Coachmakers’ sports and activities enhance our joyful sense of belonging, and our continuous engagement and support of young people definitely provides a strong sense of purpose.

With these words I conclude my Editor’s Letter, and wish you all an enjoyable summer season.

Your Editor, Assistant Lyn Litchfield