Coachlines - December 2020
03.12.20 Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs
2020 National Historic Vehicle Survey
The results of the 2020 National Historic Vehicle Survey have been announced by the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs.
The survey takes place every five years and is the largest and most detailed of its kind, with the results helping to shape the future of the industry.
A few statistics at a glance:
• The number of historic vehicles on the DVLA database has increased yet again to 1.5 million
• The historic movement is now worth over £7.2 billion to the UK economy
• 4,000 businesses employ more than 34,000 people
• There are 700,000 enthusiasts – up from 500,000 in 2016
• Overall, historic vehicles account for less than 0.2% of the total miles driven in the UK
• 35% of owners are either already or are willing to contribute to a carbon reduction scheme
• 56% of historic vehicles have a SORN
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