Coachlines - July 2018

02.07.18 John Blauth

Cheers! to our gin winners

In May we asked you to display your wit and wisdom to win a bottle of Nicholson Original London Dry Gin. Thank you to all those who took part. The Venerable Ray Pentland CB was asked to be judge and jury to decide who produced the five funniest and wittiest answers to the question:

How did the Coachmakers evolve from crafting mostly wooden conveyances that relied on equine power, to manufacturing horseless carriages and heavier-than-air machines?

The following will each be awarded a bottle of Nicholson London Dry Gin:

The Winner – Witty & Pithy

Past Master Group Capt Marcus Wills CVO OBE

From early days of cart and steed,

We’ve fostered skills of style and speed,

So change is easy to explain,

From coach to car to aeroplane.

Worthy Runner up – A truly rural lexicon

The Clerk Cmdr Mark Leaning RN           

They embraced revolutionary design and production philosophies to accommodate customer rejection of personal transport systems that relied on traditional, flatulent, manure producing power, preferring instead machines powered by modern and environmentally friendly internal combustion engines.

Succinctly put!

Liveryman Richard Barton

Through the ingenuity, dedication and some daring do of a few visionary individuals

History inventively reengineered

Liveryman Anthony (Tony) BALL MBE

Horse droppings, accumulating on pungently polluted Victorian roads, caused social problems, literally, sweeping the country! Coachmakers’ brilliantly creative development of horseless carriages eliminated that problem, whilst ingeniously revolutionising universal mobility… Resultant pollution challenges remain transitional! (35 words).

Almost Limerical but not quite…

Assistant Bettine Evans

We started off with coach and four

which took too long from door to door,

So invented motor car to allow us to go far.

But man had set his sights on high

– next aeroplanes so we could fly!